Wednesday, July 24, 2019

No One Left Scene of Boating Accident

We would like to make lucidly clear that we do not know the operator of the cabin cruiser involved in the deadly June accident on Lake Wilson. We have no idea who else was on board, so we can't say that we do or don't know any of the passengers or the boat's owner. 

Neither do we know Ross (Trey) Wooten. We are casually acquainted with Mr. John Odem who is Mr. Wooten's attorney, as well as being married to Mr. Wooten's sister. 

In other words, we have no interest in seeing the truth kept hidden in this horrible accident. Just the opposite; we wish for all facts to be perfectly clear.

One statement that we have seen repeatedly is that the cabin cruiser left the scene of the accident. Sgt. Chad Pate of the Alabama Marine Patrol has been quoted as saying the boat did not leave the scene. Why is there confusion?

Yes, the cabin cruiser traveled the short distance to a marina and docked. According to accounts that we have read, the hull of the cruiser took a blow to the bow. In this case, the operator is correct to dock as soon as possible (in a nearby place) to prevent further injury to human life. 

We do NOT know what statement the boat's operator made to the Marine Patrol, but apparently the investigators were satisfied that the boat's pilot did not intentionally leave anyone in the water. 

Just as an aside, if we were on a boat that was taking on water, or was thought to be taking on water, and no one was attempting to make it to shore, we would give new meaning to the term "hissy fit." We suggest everyone read A Night to Remember

(Sorry About the Sub-Titles)


  1. It's odd that EVERY witness says that no one from the cabin cruiser remained at the scene. NO ONE from the cabin cruiser called for help. NO ONE from the cabin cruiser assisted the SEVERELY injured occupants of the other boat. From your posts recently, it sure looks as if you have an interest in protecting someone and making Mr Wooten look bad. But that's just my observation and opinion.

    1. We have never met Mr. McBryer or Mr. Wooten. As far as we know, we've never met anyone on either craft. We're merely looking at facts from official sources.

    2. Do you really believe that the "official" reports are correct when you look at the ACTUAL facts? Why in Earth wouldn't you put the right questions out there? You are assisting in exactly what you claim to not have an interest in doing.... Hiding the truth.... The public and the witnesses who are being silenced beg you to try, really try (not just claim it) to get to the real truth. There is very obviously a cover up, they are protesting someone, and it certainly isn't the victims. There are too many eye witness reports that match to fall to see this.

    3. Until the past few days, we've received few reports that there was anything more than expedience at work in this slow investigation. Considering what we've recently seen concerning Lt. Chad Pate's promotion a few weeks after the accident, we would start there. Remember, it's not like we can just peek into his bank accounts. What do his co-workers know? Has he been accused of this sort of thing before? This is the place to start an investigation, and we do not have the resources to do this. Obviously, the TD will not do it. Anyone out there have the capabilities to look into Chad Pate and his conduct that night? Perhaps Wooten's brother-in-law John Odem could do this?

  2. How do you rationalize publishing this crude post where you have your religious screed on the sidebar? A beautiful mother and her darling daughter were killed! From my city, a lovely family. Of those who knew and loved them, many lives will never again be whole. Despicable!

  3. Your “ just as an aside” comment is crude, callous and juvenile.
    People lost their lives and you make a comment like this. I agree - despicable.

    1. Hardly. Assume a person can't swim, doesn't know what happened, can't see anything in the darkness, and hears those around him/her discussing taking on water. The passengers don't know what happened; they do know that the operator is inexperienced (apparently). In this case, without knowing what was actually going on, expedience would be the better part of valor for any thinking passenger. This is our estimation of what occurred. If the passengers knew that injured were in the water, that would be a different matter altogether.

  4. A lot of assumptions in this post. Why not wait until all the facts are clear before making biased conclusions?
