Saturday, July 27, 2019

Connected to the QCD & PNS? No

According to the boat crash rumor mill, our blog is in cahoots with the Quad-Cities Daily and Pen-N-Sword to publish misinformation concerning the June 8th Shoal Creek boat crash that claimed two lives. We're basically going to address that fallacy in this blog, but in case any readers are out of the loop, our blog has  been so dishonest as to state the cabin cruiser moved to the shore when it actually moved to the marina. Pardon us if we're not nautical enough for some, but isn't that the same thing? Isn't the marina on the shore? That should tell you the mentality of some of these newly acquired critics.

So has the QCD and PNS likewise been publishing false news about the crash? It's pretty easy to look at their sites and see what's been published. Here are two lists.

From the QCD:

Two Dead...

Names Released...

Contrary to Rumor Mill...

Identity of Cabin Cruiser Owner/Operator...

You will notice that the most recent QCD article names Mark McBryer as both owner and operator of the cabin cruiser. We have linked some of these articles on our FB page, but have nothing to do with the content. If you have problems with content, please contact the QCD.

From PNS:

Two Die...

Operator of Cabin Cruiser...

Owner of Boat Arrested...

PNS has amended the last article to clarify that Wooten was the operator. If you have problems with the content of the above three articles, please contact PNS.

As to banning, yes, we will ban you for filthy language. It's our longstanding policy. Do we enjoy doing it? Not usually, but if you've just accused us of taking illicit money from homicidal killers to cover up their guilt, yes, we do enjoy it a little.

Don't use profane or vulgar words, don't make libelous statements, don't threaten anyone, and you won't be banned. Pretty simple!

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