Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lights Out on O'Neal Bridge?/Charles Hovater

Readers are reporting that the lights on the north end of O'Neal Bridge are again unlit. This is Florence's responsibility. When this was a problem previously, numerous complaints resulted in quick repair/policy change. Yes. it is a safety issue. If Florence can illegally give money to a cult, it can fix the lights on the bridge.


If you rent, did you know that your landlord can't have your utilities shut off unless there is a serious building code violation? If you've had that problem, contact us. If you need to know your rights, here's a great guide:


Prince has started his new "Bite List" and has placed Colbert County Commissioner Charles Hovater at the top. Hovater obviously has no sense of the shelter funding problem. Actually, Hovater has no sense whatsoever. More to follow...


We recently mentioned four Colbert County towns and their appropriations. We included Leighton which has taken it upon itself to establish its own animal control laws. The town either needs to rescind these laws or kick in the electric meter funding that Muscle Shoals, Tuscumbia, and Sheffield do. More on this later also...

Charles Hovater - Leading By Sheer Jowl Intimidation


  1. I cannot under any circumstances see Jesus writing a blog like this.

    1. Yes, our words on Mr. Hovater were harsh; however, we cannot see Jesus condoning Hovater's attitudes or actions concerning His innocent creatures.

  2. The Tuscumbia Camp William A. Johnston #898 respectfully asked Mr. Hovater if we could place a military monument on the court house lawn with other military monuments, he assured us there would be no problem with it. When we arrived he and his fellow members turned against us and used 48 News as their way of twisting this into their way of being re-elected. Now ask them what is coming on Woodward Avenue very soon?
