Thursday, August 16, 2018

They Knew Aretha Well

Donald Trump: I knew Aretha well. She worked for me a few times.

Brian Lindsey: I knew Aretha well. She supported the new property tax.

Chester McKinney: I knew Aretha well. She was going to do a benefit for the new half-way house.

As they say, it's not a lie if you really believe it.


Rusty's fans have been sending him red ties. He's even taken a few snaps wearing some of them. He may even decide to have a public vote on which he'll don for his August 27th appearance as Chad and Brian wave "Vote Yes" placards at Avalon rush hour traffic...


Since everyone is talking of music today, have you considered this is the 41st anniversary of Elvis' death? Should there be lamentations or rejoicings over musical genius?

Like something more classical than Aretha? Here's a sad but beautiful Irving Berlin song:

And Another:

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