Monday, November 27, 2017

Why Roy Moore Now?

The first question Roy Moore fans ask about his bad press is why now? Why did his accusers of sexual impropriety not come forward during his previous bids for office? 

Most of us know of one or two or even three local politicians who can't make it through the day without a drink...and then a session behind the wheel. Is there a need to out them now (not that a large percentage of the electorate doesn't already know about them)? How about the elected official who skims profits from his business illegally? Is there a need to blog on that now? We're certainly not planning on it.

But what if the local alcoholic or thief were running for what's basically a national office and the Washington Post came calling? What if the WP were asking about a matter much more personal than alcoholism or theft? What if the question were: Did this man assault you sexually? That's pretty personal, isn't it?

Think long and hard. If you were one of Moore's victims, wouldn't you be ready to tell your story now that someone was actually asking...actually willing to listen and give credence to that horrible memory, or maybe just creepy memory, you've kept hidden away?


John Merrill. He may be dishonest. He may be an adulterer. He may be pure sleaze wrapped in slime. But he's not running at this very minute for the U.S. Senate. We have absolutely no interest in protecting him from anything, but we do have a marked interest in more pressing political topics.


Today is the last day to register to vote in the December 12th Senate race. You can register online. Just do so before midnight:

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