Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Florence-Lauderdale Animal Shelter

Everyone here loves animals. That's a given. Should we ever kill them? Well, Shoalanda, you answer, that depends. Yes, we eat dead animals every day--at least most of us do.

How about hunting? Shoalanda herself doesn't. If any of you do that's between you and your family and God, if you believe in the one who created our universe. If you don't, I can understand how you might find killing fun or therapeutic or whatever.

How about the excess? Now, that's another story, most will say. How about our shelter where the taxpayers feed and house them? There's no easy answer.

Things are better in both Lauderdale and Colbert County, but it hasn't been easy. Will it get even better? That may be a question of dollars and cents...or even of personalities.

Take your stand now. Write your representatives. It's up to you.


1 comment:

  1. The shelter pets have been lucky so far...... not because the city kicked in funds, but because a volunteer group, and their facebook followers did

    Each time an injured animal has come to the shelter, a volunteer group has stepped in and raised money for the repair, (it is far less costly for the city to euthanize an animal that needs medical attention)

    When the shelter ran out of food, the city didnt step in and pick up the tab, a volunteer group sent out pleas to the community on their facebook page, and the comminity stepped in and donated bags and bags of food.

    And last year, 2013, when the cities budget dried up for the shelter needs, guess who kicked into high gear and purchased, bleach, paper towels, clorox wipes, dish soap, laundry powder, brooms, mops and everything else under the sun....... done trying to guess? i will give you a hint. It wasnt the city
