If you're reading our blog, you've probably read many of our opinions concerning the Shoals area. You've also probably read Osborne Ink and the Robnett Review, but how do we really look to the outside world?
Last year, Braly Stadium received some bad press concerning its seating, fencing, and various other lacks, at least according to one wag. This year, Florence and the Shoals has been reviewed by The World: According to Pete, and we think you'll like it: link.
That's Pete's view from the outside, but how about some new views from the inside? Pictured above is Cynthia News, a relative newcomer to the Shoals political scene. Cynthia tweets at YildirimNews; there you can read Cynthia's views on world as well as local news. Enjoy!
Request for readers: Did someone who influenced your life pass away this year? If so, please take a few moments to write a short tribute to them. Send to shoalanda.speaks@gmail.com; we'll be publishing them in two weeks.