Part IV in our series on Tony Logan
Like many others last Saturday afternoon, Tuscumbia Police Chief Tony Logan was eager to arrive home in time to watch the SEC football championship on television. Perhaps too eager considering his blood alcohol content.
Logan lives in the western part of North Wood Hills, an older subdivision situated off Cloverdale Road near the small community of Petersville. Drivers in the area reported seeing Logan's Honda driving erratically shortly before three o'clock and reported their observations to police who quickly responded. By 3:10 p.m., Logan had run a stop sign at an intersection near his home on Castleton Road. Most streets in that residential area are posted with a 20 mph limit; observers estimated that the Tuscumbia Chief was traveling at least 50 mph. As Logan approached his home, he hit his mailbox, bounced into his parked Tuscumbia police vehicle, and then careened across the street to come to rest against his neighbor's now badly damaged car.
When Florence officers arrived immediately afterward, Logan refused to take a sobriety test. Such a refusal in Alabama automatically suspends one's license for 90 days. Logan was still lucky, in some states the suspension can last a year. The responding officers declared Logan "drunk" and took him to the Florence-Lauderdale Detention Center where he spent the next 12 hours. One Florence Police officer has been quoted anonymously as stating Logan has been detained previously for DUIs and let go without charges.
Tuscumbia city fathers are refusing to comment on the issue, stating there will be no attempt at a resolution of the matter until Tony Logan's legal problems are cleared up in Florence. Ironically, Terry Sherron is again acting Chief of Police for the small Colbert County town of Tuscumbia.
Photo courtesy of WHNT
Reminder: Heart's Cry Thrift Store in Elgin still has approximately 20 names on its Grandparents' Tree. Making someone else happy is the best part of Christmas. Won't you consider adopting one of these nursing home residents?