Friday, November 5, 2021

Staggerin' Stanley v. Lefty Logan: Battle of the Fire Extinguishers


After Tuesday night's loudly contentious Sheffield City Council meeting (where was the TimesDaily?), Staggerin' Steve Stanley decided to continue the discussion with Laquita Logan on Wednesday. When he entered her property, Lefty Logan was ready for him.

The hapless mayor, under the thrall of building inspector Charlie Grimmitt, lead with the accusation that a fire extinguisher on the wall of her business was out of date. Mrs. Logan artfully countered, producing a picture of the city hall's fire extinguisher taken only the night before. Expiration date? 2019.

We gather that it's who you are and how well you're liked that determines which rules will be enforced or not. The confrontation devolved even more until Stanley had the common sense to leave property that wasn't his. What now for Mrs. Logan?

We've heard the Logans are looking into a recall of Stanley, as well as withholding all city taxes until the dispute is settled to their satisfaction. How would this recall work? Here is a section from Alabama Code Title 11:

The mayor or any commissioner shall be subject to recall.  To institute a recall election, any registered voter may present a petition to the city clerk having the signatures of no less than 30 percent of the registered voters having voted in the last preceding election.  Such petition shall contain the following statement:

To the city clerk.  We the following registered voters of ______ (name of municipality) do respectfully request that you instigate an election to be held for the purpose of recalling ______ (name of person) who holds the office of ______ (name of office)

Signatures of those signing the petition along with residential addresses shall follow.

Upon receipt of such petition, the city clerk shall make arrangements under Alabama law to hold such election within 30 days of receipt by the city clerk of such petition.

Provided that a majority of registered voters vote for the recall, then the city clerk shall thereupon declare that office vacant and the office holder shall no longer be an elected official.

In the meantime, all seven businesses belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Logan remain on the market complete with prominent Re-Max signs. Can you imagine what any of John Elkington's oft-touted investors will think when they drive down Montgomery Avenue?

The Best Sheffield Has To Offer Without The Logans

1 comment:

  1. The current state of affairs in Sheffield sounds oddly familiar:
