Sunday, November 14, 2021

More Muscle Shoals Mischief


A reader has asked for comments on two current Muscle Shoals situations. As always, we defer to our expert Leslie for commentary. Here's an intriguing opinion on the issue of employee raises:

The talk is the mayor is proposing an 8% sales tax to go to the school system. And, of course, sleepy eye Ken, Jittery Willie, and Ditsy Gina will rubber stamp whatever they are told to do.

Right now they get 1.3 million a year and tons of "in kind" work and other perks.

ALL THE WHILE - City employees are getting shafted. In fact, a few years ago the city discontinued family coverage insurance for employees.

Think of it like this - Most school employees work Monday - Friday (7:30 - 4:00) and inside temperature controlled buildings. If you are not a 12 month employee, you only work 185 days a year, make more money than city employees that work 48 - 50 weeks (240 - 250 hours) a year. Most of those city employees work outside in the extreme heat, cold, rain and all hours of the day and night, weekends AND holidays.

Then again, what would you expect out of Lockhart whose wife is a teacher in the MSCS?

The second situation to be addressed has been covered before. We're going to look up our previous post and republish it shortly. If anyone has any more Muscle Shoals questions, now's the time to forward them...


  1. In all fairness, most people KNOW the working conditions when choosing a job or career path. I've been an LEO, a Corrections Officer, a private security contractor, AND a teacher. ALL BY CHOICE. MY choice.

  2. Just an aside....The School Budget is HIGHER than the ENTIRE Muscle Shoals Budget. Looks like the (SB) Tail is wagging the (MS) Dog. Muscle Shoals needs to Stand Up, but then again, Sleepy, Jittery and Ditsy take their orders from the School Board, so... Now, can we talk about the MS Police Dept next ?

  3. Apparently, Ditsy Gina is the 'anointed' Real Estate person for all MS School Board needs. Isn't that considered a conflict? I wonder what Sleepy Eye and Jittery owe them. Hmmm

  4. I do not know if Muscle Shoals citizens know the Muscle Shoals school budget for 2020 was around 32.4 million dollars. The city of Muscle Shoals budget was significantly lower at about 24 million dollars. So, to support the 2,900 students in the Muscle Shoals school system, at $11,172 per student.

    Of course, not all of the money goes to directly support the students, gotta shovel money into Chad's Football program and coaches. Now he wants to reach for more from the city? Just where is this additional money designated to go to. We seem to be paying top dollar into the school system, and getting marginal results.

    How many of the other equally important city service departments are going to begin demanding a larger share, perhaps justifiably?

    Has anyone else noticed school boards throughout this country are behaving like little fiefdoms. This has to stop.

  5. I agree 100% with your last statement. One of the BIGGEST problems is 'lack of elections' for school board members in many systems. Appointment of board members effectively eliminates accountability.

  6. I agree, and our Muscle Shoals School Board is APPOINTED. NOT elected by the citizens of Muscle Shoals, just appointed by the Mayor and rubber stamped by the City Council. Time to change back to elected.

  7. The city still pays 100 % of an individual employee’s medical insurance. They quit paying 100% if an employee has family coverage around 10 years ago. However….any employees that were already employed were exempt and still receive free family coverage. Leslie stated a few years ago…..a decade is a little longer than that.

  8. Sheffield is in the same boat. Information regarding the backgrounds and qualifications of the current school board members would be a good place to start.
