Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Who Has Your Voter Information?


A reader recently offered this comment: 

According to an article on 9/17 in al.com the State of Alabama is selling its voter registration list to Mike Lindell. The list, per Sec. of State John Merrill(till fidelity), is available to anyone with the money to buy it. Per Dirty John we take election security very seriously in this state but if you’re a foreign entity, criminal enterprise, or voter intimidation group, who wants information on our voters just send us a check.

In checking, we've found that each state differs in what information may be either given or sold to the public. Here's Alabama's policy:

It would take a legislative act to change the current policies on voter lists. It's definitely something to consider, but on the flip side, we also need to consider the subject of yesterday's blog - transparency. 

Don't take our opening meme too literally. Our problem isn't controlled elections, but controlled nominations/candidates. You have a free choice, but between/among who or what?

How does this sound?

1/6 office holders care only for their own interests.
2/6 office holders are there just to warm seats and say "yes."
2/6 office holders are doing the best they can, but simply choose to ride out any difficult situation hoping to come through unscathed.
1/6 office holders are refreshingly honest and should be fully supported by the citizenry. 

In case you weren't aware, current municipal terms are for five years, a one off due to changes in election dates. So the Shoals has four more years before it can elect new individuals to important offices. Don't let that deter you from thinking about the future. 

We'd like to see the above percentages change in the public's favor in the new elections...


  1. Having delved into the nasty, cutthroat world of politics, I fear my percentages and wording differ from yours, Shoalanda.

    5/6 - Office holders are enjoying the 'prestige' and ride out any difficult situation hoping to come through unscathed, and if possible, richer.

    1/6 - Office holders are refreshingly honest and should be fully supported by the citizenry, but rarely are.

    1. Very interesting take! We're not sure who's reading this comment, but there are some who should take heed and fear the 1/6 who's determined to have a city of the people and by the people.

  2. I support Thomas Jefferson's 'guide' for politics.

  3. The Alabama Alataliban party KNOW they can nominate whoever they like and the lemming voters who are either 1/6 dumb as dirt 2/6 gullible as a gopher 3/6 mad as hell 4/6 mean as a snake 5/6 crazy as a loon and 6/6 hypocritical as a hollerin preacher will vote for whoever they are TOLD to vote for as long as the (R) is by the name....OH, and MONEY can be made off of them!

    1. Avenger, you skipped Math Classes along with History, didn't you ?!?
      FYI, many elections don't 'designate' political party affiliation of the candidates.
      You keep playing that Old Song, but I guess it's the only one you know. Ad nauseum...
