Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sheffield Has a (Fill in the Blank) Problem


All cities have problems, but Sheffield seems to have more than its fair share. Potholes? Check! Mold? Check! Mythical businesses at Inspiration Landing? Big Check!

A reader writes:

Isn't it odd that these signs are still out there?

Who is tending to the details? Sheffield Mayor, Sheffield Utilities Manager (if not on vacation), Sheffield City Council?

Where is Elkington and when is he bringing the hotel, brewery, Wintzell's, and the town center and amphitheater he said were under signed contract to come to Inspiration Landing?

What is the position of the Mayor and Sheffield City Council on Inspiration Landing? They should offer comments.

Taxpayers are on the hook for this debacle. Re-elect NO ONE in Sheffield. New Utilities manager would be a good start too.


  1. What do you expect from a 'city' that can't even remember to lower The Flag(s) in honor of those that died on '9/11'?

  2. There's also more grass growing THROUGH Cox Blvd than there is asphalt.
