Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Flag: Sheffield & Other Lessers


The United States has a flag code. This group of rules is not legally enforceable; however, it's rare that governments break with the code. Unfortunately, irate or just plain ignorant citizens often do so. Again, this is not illegal, and private individuals are overlooked for their behavior.

Today is Patriots Day. Not only President Biden, but Governor Ivey also, ordered all flags on public property to be flown at half-staff. Apparently the City of Sheffield missed that literal memo, or merely didn't care enough to follow it.

This is Sheffield, home to Inspiration Landing, a development with more boards than a dance hall floor. Can't it be troubled to perform this simple task? Pardon the cliche', but this omission speaks volumes about the city.

That brings us to complaints of locals flying their flags upside down. Again, this is in poor taste, but not illegal.

Just FYI, a federal employee whose job requires a COVID vaccination is not in extreme danger. If any employee has problems with the shot, he/she can work elsewhere; it's not that difficult to understand.


  1. According to VP Harris, "...the government has no business making health decisions for Americans." For once, I agree 100% with her.

  2. Does Shoalanda's assertion apply to the members of Congress, as well? 'Congress exempt from vax mandate':

  3. Sure hope that " not in extreme danger" comment doesn't come back to haunt you.

  4. Re: Sheffield's flag debacle: Sheffield's mayor owes Sheffield residents an explanation AND an apology.

  5. More flags need to flown upside down. This country is in trouble.
