Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Face of Meth: Danna Kanizai Hensley


A few years ago, there was a public service campaign called "The Faces of Meth." Whether it actually deterred anyone from doing meth or not, we don't know. It did provide a certain kind of entertainment for those intrigued by true crime. Like a model for the ad campaign, Danna Kanizai has reappeared among the Florence arrest reports. She was arrested last week for possession of drug paraphernalia and methamphetamine. Here's a montage of her mugshots from 2012 to 2019:

Then we have the top mugshot from early September. The 37 year old Kanizai went from the "innocent school girl" look to "hardened woman of the streets" in just nine short years.

We first became aware of Kanizai, also known as Danna Hensley, when a reader told us of a shooting incident involving Danna and her sometime fiance' Blake Baird.

A second shooting followed...then an arson attempt; however, after Baird descended into the world of drug trafficking, Danna disappeared for around two years. We hoped she had finally taken the straight and narrow path in life. Judging from her recent arrest photo, this was far from the case.

Before you say she's only hurting herself, think about:

* Who's helping her ex-husband support and tend to her three children?
* Who paid for the damage to the neighbor's home and vehicle in Leighton?
* Who paid for the apartment damage in Florence?
* Who paid the hospital bill for the Florence shooting victim?

We don't know the answers to these questions, but we do know it wasn't Danna Nicole Kanizai Hensley. Where is the help for these individuals? Perhaps more to the point, how do we make these addicts want to get help?

How Many of Us Have Fought this Addiction?

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