Friday, September 10, 2021

A 13% COLA for Public Employee?


Rob Carnegie Doing His Helmut Zemo Impersonation

We're sure Cost of Living Allowances (Raises) vary from business to business. If you drew Social Security in 2020, your raise this year was 1.3%. If you're Rob Carnegie, employee of the Florence-Lauderdale Tourism organization, you just received a 13% raise. Don't envy Rob too much; he has to make do with that meager 13% for the next three years.

We've already received notice that at least two individuals will be sending an editorial on Carnegie's economic windfall. We'll have these editorials published shortly.

Speaking of feedback, we've had quite a bit concerning Mayor Kerry Underwood's plan to close the Spring Creek Golf Course. In a recent meeting, Underwood mentioned the course's four full-time employees. According to everyone else, the facility has only two. 

Did Mayor Underwood simply misspeak or did he think no one would notice the error? We're still waiting on a few announcements concerning political newcomers who wish to take on Underwood in the next legislative race. We trust you have your popcorn ready?

1 comment:

  1. How much of a raise did the City of Florence approve for its police officers and firemen?
