Sunday, September 5, 2021

Do You Live in a Basement Apartment?


If you keep up with the news at all, you've read about the New York couple who, along with their two-year old child, drowned in their own apartment during flooding caused by Ida. Think it couldn't happen here? Think again.

Know why most basement apartments are illegal? They have no windows or other emergency exits. In other words, if you can't open the one door, you're doomed to die in the flood, fire, poison gas attack, or whatever else is enveloping your home. 

While some basement apartments are perfectly legal, many are hidden away in the Shoals. Does your basement apartment come with "free" electricity? That's pretty much a giveaway that the landlord doesn't want any inspections of "his" basement...or even worse - he's tried to have a meter installed, but was told the location didn't pass inspection.

We've been told the ratio of renters to available apartments is now evening out in this area. If all you've found so far is that basement no one else wants, keep looking. if you're unsure of the apartment's safety, ask the landlord to provide a city inspection report. The results, or lack thereof, just might surprise you.

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