Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Who Gave Glenda Colagross the Boot at NWSCC?


Dr. Glenda Colagross has had a bumpy ride as president of Northwest Shoals Community College. Many have placed the blame for her troubles at the feet of the Ag Authority which at one time had hoped to form an allegiance with NWSCC on its new campus...still coming soon.

Colagross won the Luthman award last December for her service to higher education. Now she's out the door without even a farewell party. In fact, her temporary successor has already been named. He's Chris Cox, pictured above. Dr. Cox has previously served at two Alabama community colleges as what could be called a "cleaner."

The question now is: Just what is Cox supposed to be cleaning at NWSCC?


Need reader suggestions: Anyone know a family practice attorney in the Jefferson County area? Send confidential replies to


A regular reader has commented that Sheffield shouldn't be so concerned with events at the Slag this weekend, but about Marshall Tucker next weekend. Our sympathies to anyone unlucky enough to live in the neighborhood...

Meanwhile at the Church of the Highlands...

1 comment:

  1. Or does this have to do with the very needed mask mandate for all students in Alabama. The upper echelon of education in Alabama is very political. Glenda has done what was right for NWSCC but that can't be tolerated for others who wish to feather their own nests rather than to provide quality education for students.
