Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Election Fraud

We're happy to see the Lauderdale Luminary back with some erudite words on election fraud:

There will never be any "indisputable" facts about fraud, or the absence thereof, in the last election cycle. I have spent 10 years in financial and legal compliance auditing, a significant portion of my now 30-year accounting career. A large part of the practice of Accounting and Auditing is the creation and evaluation of documentary evidence and "paper trails" that can be either exculpatory or damning. We refer to the policies, procedures, rules, and mechanisms that generate this evidence for any transactional process as "Internal Controls". 

From my professional perspective, there appear to be very few if any effective controls in place at any level of our elections system. Nor does there appear to be any functionality within the system to produce sufficient documentary evidence to either prove or disprove fraud. Furthermore, the Accounting and Auditing profession considers it to be axiomatic that where there is opportunity for fraud, there IS fraud, and if the opportunity is significant, then the fraud will be significant as well.

The fact that many statistical analyses of the last election cycle noted numerous mathematical anomalies in the election data would tend to buttress this axiom. Unfortunately, this is simply human nature. The bottom line here is that there is no real evidence of election fraud in this cycle because the election system is not designed to produce any such evidence. It's a rather convenient design for those with the moral flexibility to take advantage of it. 

And there will be no change in this condition so long as any and every attempt to create reasonable internal controls within the election system are consistently decried as racist or sexist or whatever the pejorative du jour may be, but there is method in that madness as well. And at the end of the day, faith in the veracity of elections will be the ultimate casualty, and this in turn will lead to diminished participation, the very cake the tyrants behind the scenes most want to bake.

Humbly submitted for your consideration by,


  1. Well, I was just waiting for a "stop the steal" nut to be published on this blog....our very own Mike Pillow! Shoals "Trumpsters" representing they are as nutty as every other Repulsivecan! Selling tickets for the "audit" at the Florence-Lauderdale Colosseum yet?????

  2. Hey, Avenger; here's an idea: Move your ungrateful, Marxist ass to Afghanistan. I hear the Taliban is recruiting sex slaves.

  3. Avenger's that kid in school who everyone tried to stay away from - you know, the one who blamed everyone else for his lousy, lonely life as he continually tried to grope all the cheerleaders, with little success.

  4. People like the avenger are not interested in having an electoral process that works properly and is accountable. Marxist scum like the avenger are only interested in the end result, which of course would render every western institution unreliable and corrupt and our streets and government overrun by animals masquerading as human. Are we there yet?
