Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Most Important Blog We've Ever Written


You're not taking the COVID vaccine because...

It's not FDA approved yet. The most informed sources say the Pfizer version will be approved before Labor Day. Call around - the Pfizer jab is easy to find.

I could die from it. Over 500 individuals in the United States die each year after taking penicillin. It still saves thousands of lives. (Many reading this will remember TimesDaily editor Louis Eckl who died after taking penicillin following a dental appointment.)

Won't my arm turn red and swell? It's safe to assume those using this excuse never lived through a 6'2" health department nurse wearing size 17 bowling shoes come to your school each year to administer typhoid injections.

I've read entirely too many stories online about the dangers of this vaccine. Yes, and 99% of those stories originated in the Ukraine at the behest of the Russian government which wants as many Americans to die as possible.

The odds of surviving COVID are really good. Yes, and you have an 83% chance of surviving Russian Roulette. Wanna play this weekend?

All of us have to deal with the hand we've been dealt here. We might wish for more assurances, but nothing in life is a guaranteed slam dunk. If you pass up those two boats and a helicopter that God himself sent you, who are you to complain when the very old and the very young die...and a lot of people in between?


  1. WHY the urgency to vax for a virus with a 99.6% survivability rate? Even with all the hoopla over the Delta variant, current infection rates are LESS THAN 0.007% of the population. Of ALL the deaths in 2020-2021 attributed to COVID-19, the VAST MAJORITY of those were individuals OVER age 76, which is the average life expectancy of an adult in today's world.

    1. May we check back with you on your 76th birthday and see how you feel about it then?

  2. At least you can say you tried Shoalanda.....personally, I agree with "Guvnuh Meemaw" when in essence she said: "I've done everything I can, we just have a lot of stupid people in Alabama" SO TRUE! RETRUMPLICANS: YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!

  3. I find it sad that seemingly intelligent people are taking, as fact, the word of Manipulative Media and Paid-to-Lie-Medicos. Ah well, natural selection will weed out those who have blindly 'obeyed' instead of doing their own research. So be it. And, Shoalanda...I'm willing to bet JH will reach that 76th birthday - Will you ?

    1. Planning on reaching it two years before J.H.

  4. By all means, Shoalanda. Look me up on Dauphin Island. That's where my wife and I will be residing.

    As for 'theavenger' (How original! 🙄): Doug Jones is the 'poster child' for unfixable stupidity.

    1. Good Lord, you have the nerve to call Doug Jones stupid when you have representing the Retrumplicans in Alabama in the United States senate, mind you, a senator who doesn't know the three branches of government, stated WWII was fought to "free Europe from socialism, and the list is growing.....just like the noses of the lying liars who spout the nonsense that keep the Retrumplicans pumped up on lies and misinformation and unvaccinated....BUT, there is a silver lining... Spread on Delta, we vaccinated "libtards" can have a glass of wine to toast the death of LOTS of unvaccinated Retrumplicans in Alabama and hopefully a return to decency and dignity in politics, wouldn't that be novel!?!?......one CAN dream!

    2. Hate to burst your sanctimonious bubble, Avenger, but it seems you are unaware of the new "SuperSpreader" title given to those vaccinated as they continue to become sick and pass the virus to others. Don't take my word for it - check the CDC. The majority of new hospital admissions are Vaccinated folks with horrific side-effects like Guillian-Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Myocarditis and full-blown Covid. The CDC even made up that cutsy name for it, "SuperSpreader". Sounds like a nifty piece of farm equipment for spreading manure, similar to what you do. Bytheby,I checked my nose and it hasn't grown - Still perky. S'cuse me, Blind Follower of the Drooling Groper Biden while I enjoy my glass of excellent Merlot. A Bientot.

    3. There you go; confusing Dims with FACTS... 🙄

    4. LOL ! I keep hoping SOMETHING will get through to their few remaining Brain Cells.

  5. Marxist Democrats wouldn't recognize 'decency and dignity' if it but them on their collective asses. Case in point: abortions on demand up to, and until, the moment of birth. Some Marxist Dems are so depraved as to demand the murder of unwanted children 'as old as 2 years of age'. 'Decency and dignity' my ass!

  6. To Showlanda, I am currently past your threshold of 76. I am 81 years old and I have not taken the vaccine, and don't intend to. The vaccine as I understand will protect you from the virus for a short period, but it damages your immune system to the point where it cannot protect you from other things. Wait until next year when everyone who took the vaccine ends up in the hospital with flu and other life threatening problems.
