Friday, August 27, 2021

Scott Clayton (Atwater) Plays Dumb...or Is He Not Playing?


This blog has received two interesting pieces of information about Mr. Clayton...or is that Mr. Atwater? Why does a golf pro use two names? Does he have a political blog under a pen name that we need to know about? Is it to confuse law enforcement? Perhaps a multiple personality disorder? 

Both tidbits come from highly placed and reliable sources. First, a local news organization asked Clayton-Atwater to comment on the controversy surrounding his appointment at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. He replied that he was unaware of any controversy.

So Scott (it's easier to just call him that) hasn't been Googling his name to see what's being said in our backwater area of the state that he was so unsure of moving to? Perhaps he's also selling ocean front property in Arizona - goodness knows his family sells everything else on Facebook. 

For those truly unaware of the controversy, between 70 and 100 members of the Muscle Shoals golf club signed a petition asking for his job offer to be rescinded. We're betting the employees and patrons of his current club are fervently praying that it isn't. 

And our second tidbit of information about the dubious hire? We'll have that tomorrow.

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