Can you match the pug to his prop? Okay, Pee Wee isn't much of a pug, but then neither is Roy or Brian.
Just in from a Muscle Shoals parent (If you don't read anything else, read this):
Can we please stop all the hatefulness for just a few minutes? This has gotten out of hand and it’s giving our great city a big ugly black eye. Without a doubt, I will be labeled many things for writing this including, but not limited to: liar, manipulator, coward, vicious, uncaring, hateful, misinformed, and the list goes on. This could possibly come from people on both sides of the issue. For this reason, I wish to remain anonymous. Unfortunately, some of you will stop reading right there. Why? Because you’ve already decided that anonymous automatically makes everything I’m about to say untrue. I’m hoping that won’t be the case, but we shall see.
Just a few short weeks ago each “side” of the proposed property tax referendum began to draw their lines in the sand. They began to make their pleas to those that would listen. Today, there are folks on both sides that no amount of information will sway them to change their mind. I’m not writing to those individuals; I’m writing to those of you who are still trying to wade through the muddy waters surrounding the issue. The ones who are stuck in the middle and trying to determine the truth amidst a sea of “facts” flying around.
I must divulge some important information. I am not from the “Shoals”. I live here now and I am raising my family here, but I did not grow up here. That may change your opinion of me and if so, that’s ok. There’s a flood of opinions out there right now and social media is being overrun with them. How you feel about me will not change my daily routine. I love this city. I didn’t think I would, but I do. I have kids in the school system so trust me when I say I have a vested interest in how this whole thing plays out. Pass or fail, there are repercussions either way.
While trying to make the best educated, informed decision I can, some interesting (and also troubling) information has come to light. I could travel down numerous roads half-truths and whole lies, but that simply clouds some important points being glazed over with all the personal attacks and mudslinging going on. We could run on for days about the definition of “new” and whether or not adding wings to an aging school can be called “new”. We could argue about the proposed FEMA storm shelters and exactly how many they can hold and if they will actually be available to the public. We could also argue over the band facility which seems to be planned too small for current growth much less future growth. Or we could hash it out over all the “little” things being promised such as new lockers and “equipment”. But let’s save all of that for some more important things to consider.
Point #1: Are we being lied to about what exactly this money is going for? The term earmarking comes up often and there seems to be some disagreement on whether or not any true earmarking has been done. Why is this important? Without earmarking (as I understand it), the Superintendent and the BOE can change the “projects” as they see fit. Wonder what would be cut from the list first?
Point #2: After reading some information this past week, I took it upon myself to do some fact checking. It seems there is a major disagreement over the value of a mil. The “Vote for Progress” side claims one amount, the “Vote NO” side claims a much different amount. Why does this matter? Because we are talking about a huge difference in “revenue” coming in to the school. Don’t take my word for it. I researched and checked the numbers myself. This is troubling considering these numbers are listed on an informational pamphlet promoting the tax and has been discussed in depth at some informational meetings. If you take your time you may see what I see. Numbers from the “Progress” side are being altered to paint a picture of underfunding. Again, don’t simply take my word, go to the Revenue Commissioner’s office and see for yourself. The numbers aren’t adding up. You might be shocked to discover just how much the school system is actually getting versus what they want you to think they are getting.
Point #3: New property tax assessments for 2018. Did you get yours yet? I did and I was a little taken back at the amount of increase. It was more than the previous 12 years combined. Why does this matter? Shouldn’t we be excited that our property values have increased?!? We should, it’s a good sign. However, this wasn’t taken into account when the tax referendum was proposed. Surely you’ve seen all the bickering and belittling over a $4-$8 a month increase. If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky. If you’re against this proposal, you’ll be made to feel small and petty. Or as I was told by someone, “maybe you should find healthier employment”. Really? Oh, and let’s not forget that you also apparently hate kids (and the schools). So back to an earlier point, the hatefulness and name calling is coming from both sides. Don’t let manufactured halos fool you. I came across a quote recently that fits perfectly here. It says, “People will provoke you until they bring out your ugly side, then play victim when you go there”. Both sides are guilty of taking the low road, but again, don’t let this cloud the issue.
Back to the new assessments, maybe there’s some truth in the small numbers. Who truly doesn’t have an extra couple of bucks a month to throw at the school? Well, let’s expand this issue a tad bit more before we answer that.
By not taking into account the newest property assessments, this proposal is essentially double-dipping. Now, I would be lying if I said I never double dipped a chip. Maybe it was an accident, maybe I didn’t quite get enough dip the first time, or maybe I know exactly what I’m doing and I’m doing it in broad daylight while you’re watching. The money that’s being asked for seems to be completely covered by the newest assessments. So the question here is, why are we moving forward with this vote? The school system is going to be getting the money they asked for anyway. Funny thing is, no one from the progress side will acknowledge or address this, especially the current administration or BOE. If I am wrong, someone, anyone, show me the light.
Point #4: The ever increasing revenue. Look back over the past several years. Do you see it? As it was so well stated by someone recently, here it goes:
“In 2010, MSCS received $2.1 million in funding from ad valorem property taxes. By 2017 that number has grown to $4.1 million. This is an astounding 85% increase in property tax funding in just 8 years. But costs increase all the time right? According to current administrators, expenses have gone so far up that there isn’t enough money to meet the budget. According to the US government, the inflation rate since 2010 has been 1.63% per year, or 12% total. If you take inflation into account, MCSC has still seen an increase of 73% in funding in the last 8 years. Where is it going? I would love to hear an explanation that shows me this math is wrong or somehow justify a ridiculous increase in spending!”
While there are additional points to consider, these are some of the main ones I keep seeing come up in conversation. This is not meant to be an attack on any individual on either side although I imagine if at all possible, it will be twisted that way. There also seems to be a fair amount of influence from outsiders. I continue to see people who have no vote in this matter voice their opinion. Regardless of the side they choose, why listen to them, at the end of the day it does not affect their wallet.
The school system has made some questionable decisions along the way such as revising their own policies to use school time, property, and resources to promote a “Yes” vote. You really shouldn’t have to sell something so hard if it was truly beneficial for all. The bottom line is, without a doubt, there has been some mismanagement of funds. Needs were trumped by wants. Priorities were placed on the backburner. Should we really trust those who have made these mistakes to somehow be able to make the right decision now? I highly doubt it. Even more troubling, they feel that they have done right by our kids and this community. The evidence of this can be found by watching the MSCS “video series” promoting the tax. They seem to honesty believe what they are trying to sell you. We cannot tax our way to prosperity. Businesses will not want to locate here and the housing market could possibly stall. However, at the end of the day, revenue is increasing regardless of the vote. If those in position to make financial decisions actually decide to become good stewards of what they are being given, all these improvements will still happen. I urge you to make an educated, informed decision August 28th.
Muscle Shoals Resident