Tuesday, March 27, 2018

David Clayton Wiseman Takes Care of His Family?

"Teacher Hilda Wiseman and Principal Will Joiner have mutual cousins. David has helped to tear his wife from her family as well as almost destroying the school. That's why I didn't let my two kids take band." A Reader

It's not easy being a band booster - just ask the band parents at Lexington High School. Nine or ten years ago was an especially difficult time (reports differ on the exact year). As the school year ended, the band booster account had a balance of 23,000.00. There were some small bills to be paid from the account, but nothing major, so the Purple Pride would be flush for fall. At least that's what the parents thought.

Then in July, the boosters were called to a special meeting. The new boosters' president, David Wiseman's sister-in-law, informed them that their account was 1,000.00 overdrawn. The group was told that Wiseman himself had deposited the money to cover the overdraft, but he needed to be repaid immediately since he himself had cash flow problems due to a family illness. There would need to be an immediate fund raiser.

Booster members later learned that it wasn't common for a band director to have access to fund raising accounts, but at Lexington it was a standard practice. No one ever discovered the whereabouts of the missing money, but in the fall, Wiseman's niece had a new mellophone to play in the band, while other less well connected members held their instruments together with ponytail holders. After all, Wiseman's niece (the booster president's daughter) needed a good instrument to assure her band scholarship to Auburn. The cost of a professional mellophone runs around 2,000.00, so where the remaining 22,000.00 may have gone is anyone's guess.

By that time tensions were running high. When a band booster meeting followed a reprimand from the principal and the superintendent, those in attendance were sure to hear of it. Discretion never seemed to be David Wiseman's strong point. 

Now Wiseman has initiated an effort to smear school administration. Perhaps he thought his past behavior had been forgotten? According to at least one parent, the best thing that could happen to Lexington School would be for David Clayton Wiseman to resign. We concur.


  1. Always, ALWAYS require two signatures on any non-profit's bank accounts!!!!! ALL expenditures must be made public!!
    The minute this "overdraft was announced, an auditor should've been brought in. And still can be. I imagine.

  2. Typically, if you had real people monitoring a non-profit situation...there would be a limit of some amount (say $100 per month) that could be spent with just a plain receipt kept. Anything over that specified amount, would require a meeting with a couple of people signing off on larger amounts. The behavior here, to just suggest the money was spent with no oversight?
