Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Faces, Feuds, & Fathers

We greatly respect our readers and always appreciate their input. Several have commented to us that the recent Sheffield Police raid on Faces Bar & Lounge on Hatch Boulevard was the result of a false report phoned in to the authorities. If this is correct, we hope the person responsible can be found and punished, not to mention having to pay damages to those who may have been injured in the subsequent melee.


Has another old feud surfaced? Two years ago we received more input on the Colbert County school system superintendent election than any other. We initially endorsed Robert Montgomery for the position, and to say that resulted in an onslaught of e-mail by Tony Olivis supporters would be putting it mildly. Then came the rebuttals for Montgomery.

Now Supt. Olivis has suspended Montgomery. We're sure there's much to this ongoing story that has not yet been told:


Next to a mother, a father is the most important person in any child's life. When he isn't there, it may have a serious negative impact. We recently commented on Blake Austin Hines, a young many who's scheduled to be tried in June in Lauderdale County for a home invasion involving an older victim. An article sent to us at the time of the crime mentioned Hines' mother. A faithful reader and friend wanted us to know that Hines' father should shoulder much of the blame for the young man's criminal bent. It seems he was rarely there for Blake and in fact set a bad example when he was present.

Fathers, you can't spend too much quality time with your children...


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