Unless you've been living in a cave, you've at least heard of Stephanie Meyer's wildly successful series of Twilight books. Tomorrow marks the DVD release of the first movie based on this series, and Books-A-Million in Florence is throwing a party.
Starting at 10:00 p.m. tonight, all fans are encouraged to visit the store, preferably in costume. If you're not sure of the appropriate vamp garb, prom attire is acceptable. You may bring your own camera or pose for photos taken by the store's professional photographer.
There will be prizes for the best costumes as well as in the scheduled trivia contests. Those who hold membership in the Books-A-Million book club are eligible for special discounts on all Twilight items as well as a book of money saving coupons for other merchandise. The highly sought after Tonner action figures are for sale to members at 10% off, and if you aren't familiar with these, hold your breath as you check the price tag. Most teenagers hate it when their parents scream and faint in public.
Then at the stroke of Midnight...well, 12:01 a.m. actually, the coveted DVD will be offered for sale. I've actually been invited by an extremely handsome 16 year-old, so I may see you there.
What's up with this: We hear Tammy Irons is working behind the scenes to ensure North Alabama will be included in any bingo legislation. We hope plans for this will come via the ballot box and not strictly through Goat Hill.