Thursday, March 14, 2024

Roy Moore Is Getting the Band Together Again?


Remember Roy Moore and his lovely wife Kayla (that was sarcasm)? His Foundation for Moral Law is still alive and kicking and asking for money. Its chief counsel is one Col. John Eidsmore. Colonel of what? Is this man helping to run our military? Heaven help us!

Now Eidsmore has proclaimed IVF is wrong. He's worried that discarding frozen embryos is murder. Never mind the eight million people now alive in the U.S. due to this procedure.

In case there's any doubt, embryos can't grow outside a woman's body. That hasn't deterred Eidsmore who says science is working on implanting human embryos in sheep. Well, we certainly had to look that one up.

Guess what! We couldn't find that. We have found where certain organs may be cloned inside sheep at some point. Now, be honest, if your parent, spouse, or child needed that organ, you wouldn't object at all. 

We're pretty sure Col. Eidsmore would his finite wisdom. If you hear of anyone planning on giving money to Roy Moore's subversive group, please tell them not to.


Hello, peeps! I'm Storm, a two year-old female Retriever mix in need of some TLC. Come see me at the Florence shelter on Roberson Road in the industrial park:

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