Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nuts...Nuts All Around Us



Most of you reading this reside in Alabama where the State spends hundreds of thousands of dollars defending laws that will be struck down by courts...and no one seems to object. Now we're facing several expensive problems with embryos that will never develop into fetuses.

For those who may have forgotten their high school biology, a fertilized egg must implant in the uterine wall for conception to be complete. If the egg doesn't implant, it begins to dissolve and is passed from the body during a woman's monthly cycle.

What about IVF? Usually more eggs are fertilized than used. What happens to extra eggs? They're discarded. Remember: If not implanted in a uterus, they're just a group of cells.

Now more than one group wants the State to take custody of abandoned embryos which would have ordinarily been discarded (destroyed). How much this would cost is anyone's guess.

We doubt that such a law would pass, but if it does? Welcome to Alabama!

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it make sense if these ladies who are unable to reproduce adopt from the one's who are not able to have an abortion?
    I would fully support any lawmaker who would propose a bill to encourage this.
