Friday, March 8, 2024

Volunteer Coaches: Good or Bad?


Not keeping up with the cutting edge of high school athletics, we had never heard of a "volunteer" coach until around 15 years ago. The first such coach we read of was arrested for taking long breaks with discuss...oh, you know, whatever. That Lauderdale volunteer coach soon went to prison.

One of the next was the Lauderdale volunteer who countermanded anything the actual coach said. He was ultimately banned from campus. He then attempted to place all the blame on others and tried to get much of the administration fired.

Of course, we can't forget one volunteer coach in Colbert County. He, due to the nature of his work description, kept irregular hours and no one missed him until the next day...when he had already been shot, stabbed, and thrown off a bridge.

We also heard of another Colbert County situation:

Paid coach: Okay, kids, I know it 998.4 degrees on that field, but our first game is in three weeks. Let's hang in there no matter how much you puke.

Volunteer coach: Ooh, look at the time. I have a hair stylist appointment this afternoon and then I start a four-week vacation in Vancouver. I'll see you...oh, around 68 degree weather. Y'all hang tough!

That's not to say that no volunteer coaches out there are working, but a great many simply aren't. If a person's only affiliation with a school is merely volunteering to assist the paid coaches, it might not be anything worth putting on one's resume', much less suggesting the ability to serve on a school board.


We see Dick Jordan is commenting on people's ethical standards. Does he even know what that term means?

1 comment:

  1. And you expected more? Politicians have always been good at '...finding the mote in the eye of others, while ignoring the beam' in theirs.
