Saturday, April 30, 2022

What Is Going on at Colbert Shelter?


A month into the new administration at the Colbert Animal Shelter, are things better or worse? We don't mean talking a good game, we mean better service/care for the animals. 

At least one animal activist, a former Colbert political candidate, has been banned from the premises since the new director took charge. This is not a good way to appear open and transparent.

What was her "sin?" While there may be several things involved, she reported to Colbert citizens that there was a problem with donated dog/cat food making it to the animals. Is this true? We have no proof one way of the other, but this activist put her name to the complaint on social media.

We're not sure how the ethics commission will react to a complaint of stolen dog food; however, it is a legitimate concern. We hope this is pursued to the fullest.

In a recent blog we recommended directing all donations to the Florence Animal Services. We still feel this way, especially in light of recent events. You may feel good giving to a shelter in your own county, but if the animals never receive any of your donations, what is the point? We know ALL donations make it to the animals at the Florence shelter. 

If you have any more information about this situation, please contact us.

1 comment:

  1. What I claimed is after working the 1st 3 weeks after the new Director took over the Shelter on 2 Sundays made a public plea for food saying they were out. I was IN the stockroom just days earlier and there multiple shelving units stocked to the ceiling with dog food. There was so much it was on pallets on the floor and in grocery carts.
    The kennel staff is untrained. While there, they refused learning standards and procedures. Several.employees brought in household prescriptions mess and were issuing them to dogs with no Vet oversize. Some dogs are cage rage locked and confined to their cages the entire stay unless a unwelcome volunteer comes to walk them. Over 80% of the animals are inspired and neutered and the staff spends more time on their cell phones and socializing than animal care.
    If there was a food shortage on Sunday. Why did no one bring this up at the Animal Control Board on Friday when asking for pay raises and party favors? They had over $18,000 in 3 different accounts to pull from?

    They banned bc they don't want the PUBLIC to know what they AREN'T doing.
