Friday, April 1, 2022

Dr. Larry Stutts Gets Woke?

So Arianna wants to be Joe? It's really no one else's business, but when Joe then wants to become pregnant? You can't blame society for thinking that just a little bit odd. In the history of mankind (or is that humankind?) no XY person has ever become pregnant or given birth.

Or look at it this way: When we say it's time for birds to fly south, do we automatically add except for WKRP turkeys, etc.? No, that's pretty well understood and so is the fact that some genetic females who live as men still produce children. It's not like college genetics where you have to conclude every answer with "unless a mutation takes place."

So why is Rep. Larry Stutts now giving in to the new wokeism of "pregnant people?" In case you missed his latest pontification on medical marijuana: “I’m still not in favor of the marijuana bill, but it is in place. I think it can be improved and one of the ways it can be improved is to limit pregnant people, limit their availability to it.”

After all, it's not like Stutts has built his fan base from the far left among us. We're relatively certain Stutts wouldn't even have a fan base if it weren't for the "R" after his name.

Once again, thanks to Dr. Tim Melson for espousing medical marijuana. We're pretty sure cancer patients and those with other debilitating diseases thank God for his work in this area.

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