Monday, February 3, 2020

Personnel Problems at UNA - Part III/Andrew Sorrell's CON Bill

Presenting Part III of Concerned Citizen 101's series about recent events at the University of North Alabama. This series is long; therefore broken into segments. If recent activities at UNA concern you, this is a must read. Audio files appear to be working properly. At the end of this series, we'll add individual screen shots of the e-mails that can be enlarged directly. Now, more info:

Supposedly there was an investigation concerning some complaints that Kevin Jacques and David Shields made about Ms. Mitchell that Ms. Mitchell was not informed of. The results of this “investigation” warranted this meeting and comments made by Catherine White as well as bringing in a consultant. Ms. Mitchell was never told what the “it” was that she had done that was so wrong. She had to ask the consultant, Mike Quinn, during their meeting why he was hired. Keep in mind. The University had just received a summons July 2016 notifying them of Ms. Mitchell’s filed lawsuit. Audio file 2:

Mike Quinn Audio

I was told that Ms. Mitchell never received a copy of Mr. Quinn’s recommendation even though she requested it and was told by Mr. Quinn she would be kept informed and will have input. If you listened to the recording of their meeting Mr. Quinn stated that Ms. Mitchell could never (paraphrasing) be placed back under David Shields’ area (which is Student Affairs) but according the Times Daily article in 2017 she in fact was placed back under David Shields. This is harassment.

Inline image

“Her position was moved from student affairs to the Business and Financial Affairs Division in January 2015, but she has since been returned to the Student Affairs Division.”

In case anyone missed a Facebook comment yesterday, Rep. Andrew Sorrell will be introducing a bill to eliminate the state's Certificate of Need law concerning medical facilities. Such legislation was promised over six years ago by Rep. Lynn Greer, but never materialized. We assume machinations concerning the proposed Ag Center and e-mail humor were simply too pressing to allow Greer time to introduce the promised bill.

Sincere thanks to Rep. Sorrell for introducing this legislation. We'll have more on this later.

A Toast to Rep. Sorrell!

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