Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lauderdale Coaches Not Happy?

A coach connected family has sent this to us. It's an interesting read about the latest shenanigans at Lauderdale County Schools. Enjoy!

Coaches in all the schools were called in yesterday and told they would have to give $$$$$$ out of their Sport Account to cover the cost of the Smoker (after the fact and your exposing it) and in return they could use it for their fundraisers.

Process to get to a purchase order in a school:
1. Need of a service, product, etc is determined
2. If there is no money in the budget, a fundraiser is held
3. Purchase Order is generated, approved by the Principal, Superintendent and Board if necessary depending on amount
4. Bids or quotes are received
5. Approved

The question for SS readers is, Why is there any deficit in any fund in public schools if Coaches, Principals, Superintendents and School Boards are doing their jobs?

In Lauderdale County School System case - Superintendent Jon Hatton was a Coach, Principal and Superintendent. 3 out of the 4. Beware if he loses his bid for re-election, he may be back to conquer the 4th ingredient in a formula for disaster in Lauderdale County.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Think before you vote.

(Coaches do not make good superintendents. They all use the same coaching speals of "it's a team effort, all working together". Superintendents should be visionary and strategic leaders. Effective Superintendents don't have to worry about the team, it will gather and follow a good leader.)

County Coach's Cuz

Hmm. Does Sweet Wolf Still Reside At The Old Weeden Home?

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