Saturday, October 12, 2019

Trump the Bobcats...

Lauderdale County High School recently held its homecoming, complete with a parade. This seems all pretty much fall in the South, but apparently some people objected to one float. We received pics, but no word on who entered a float seeming to support voting for Trump. Could it have been the Young Republicans? Does LCHS even have a Young Republicans or Young Democrats club?

Even some took umbrage at our asking who entered the float. They inferred criticism before any was given. That seems pretty common in the Shoals. We should change our local mottoes to "What Kind of Crack is That?"

Yet all it took to solve the matter was a simple answer. The tenth grade class entered the float with the theme "Trump the Bobcats." Now, that's not too political, is it? It's a kind of play on words or loose pun. 

Several people seem to owe the tenth grade and LCHS an apology for all the criticism. 


  1. Since this float had the flag for Trump's campaign, why didn't it have some of his campaign speech phrases printed on the side of the float? I remember one we built in the 70's for homecoming that had the quote "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" spoken by John F Kennedy. Why not have a few from Donald J Trump? How about: "major league asshole" or "go fuck yourself"? Use the classic "shit hole countries" or "going to impeach the motherfucker"! Even "get that son of a bitch off the field"! Inspiring, ain't it Rogersville!
    Yes, that campaign flag on a high school float represents sportsmanship and DECENCY in America today as exemplified by the chief executive (sarcasm dripping here)....This country is in serious trouble unless dignity is restored in the white house again where representing the president in a parade is not viewed as a vulgarity.

    1. We're allowing the Avenger's comment (language) since he has a very good point. Are Dems any better? Look at Beto O'Rourke. Some on both sides of the aisle are better; let's strive for the most moral candidate no matter the party affiliation.
