Thursday, October 10, 2019

Muscle Shoals High: Two "Victims," Huge Addenda

A few days ago, this blog received a report from a regular contributor that a Muscle Shoals coach had been placed on administrative leave due to his "relationship" with a female student being reported by a parent. This contributor is a top insider with the school system and the report was totally true. It did not give the coach's name or the exact nature of the relationship. Obviously we envisioned a romantic/sexual relationship. Hold that thought.

A few hours after we published, the online news magazine Pen-N-Sword reported the name of the coach as Josh LouAllen. We contacted PNS who informed us that other than the coach's name, it had no more info than we had published. From what we gathered, the PNS informant was certainly not our longtime contributor. Obviously, we're still thinking romantic relationship. Keep holding that thought.

Several more hours pass and we begin to receive tips from readers concerning a strip search at the high school. Included in the reports were screen shots from S.W., the mother of the young woman who was searched for a weapon. If you've missed any of the pertinent facts, the young woman's parents weren't notified of the search, and no weapon was found. The entire search was apparently based on word of mouth from another student.

Now, it gets interesting, and we wish to apologize to Supt. Lindsey for jumping to the same conclusion many of our readers did: The young woman in the "relationship" story was the same young woman who was strip searched. She was not. There are currently two "victims" in the high school.

We can tell you that the mother of the young woman who was strip searched has contacted an attorney, but not because it was a male who searched the young woman. As a parent, S.W. feels she should have been called to be a witness to the search, and from what we have read of legal opinions over the past few days, we agree. We want to make it clear that it was a female administrator who conducted the search and not Josh LouAllen. Obviously there will be more to report on this at a later date.

As for Coach LouAllen, we've checked with two sources and no more information on the alleged relationship with the female student has been officially reported. We know only that the "relationship" didn't involve any forced strip searches.

The next question that comes to mind is how is this "relationship" not illegal. We will have to speculate that it was never physical and/or it was primarily a suggestion/request of the coach. Again, we have no more details than what came through the official statement of Supt. Lindsey and our inside source.

We hope to have more information by next week and will update this as soon as we can verify the pertinent details. In the mean time, feel free to suggest the wet noodle for this blog conflating the two simultaneous incidents. 

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