Sunday, October 20, 2019

Beware the Killen Geese Hunters

We're presenting these Facebook postings without comment except to say we know which one of our regular critics will be the first to defend these cretins:

I really hate Goose Hunters across from my house so close I could raise my voice and talk to them. SIX were here last night. They’re back. They just shot their first volley. Oh joy!!!! Great way to start the day. Most of us out here don’t mind the geese. Many are as upset as I am. Have you ever watched six men hiding in the straw with 3 dozen decoys shoot geese? It’s horrible. Most aren’t dead and are flapping everywhere trying to get away. They finish them off. While several others are still flapping. One time was enough. I went to the house. Sad.

First time in 35 years to have hunters across the road. They told me I live in the country. Maybe I should move to town if I didn’t like it. I can’t print what I told him to do and how fast to do it. I don’t need an arrogant boy giving me a lecture. I’ve lived here longer than he’s been alive.

Well the xxxx claimed he’d talked to most of the road and everyone was for it. He admitted to the cops he talked to three houses. The other person he said he asked told me today he never talked to him. So I don’t really know that he talked to anybody. Everyone I’ve asked didn’t know about the executions. They’ll be back tonight. They come early to set up their xxxx to lure the poor geese in. It’s horrible to see. There about six of them. Arrogant and obnoxious and sneaky. Mr xxxx signed the permit to hunt. Bet he wouldn’t if he still lived out here.

Further report from neighbor. Seems another neighbor was walking her dog. She saw them shooting everything in sight. She said one got missed. They called it back and all shot at once and blew it to pieces. They had their trailer parked on the road. She looked in the back. They told her she was on private property. She told them she wasn’t touching there stuff. Just taking photos of what they’d done. She called the game warden. She had photos to show they had the back full of slaughtered geese. The limit per person is 5 with only three being Canadian Geese. That’s no more than 18 Canadian geese among six if all were there this AM. I didn’t look. Once yesterday was enough for me. The neighbor with the photos is calling the State Dept for Game Wardens. The game warden here said she was seeing decoys and not geese. She said she saw dead geese. Decoys don’t lay flat. Dead geese do, what’s left after six men fire at once. They didn’t come back tonight. Wonder why? How do you like those facts. They also shot at xxxx’s house per another neighbor. See how xxxxx hunters make it bad on those that follow the rules. These hunters have a bad rep already from other places.

Monday is a special day for our blog, so we'll update now on our two sex offenders who are STILL on FB. On Tuesday, we'll be talking to the Colbert County Sheriff's office to see if the female is in violation of SORNA since her sodomy conviction was in 1988 (before Georgia implemented its sex offender registry). At 12:01 Tuesday, we'll post our Shoals Crime blog on the Cherokee sex offender who tells others how special he is. 

Remember, we would take neither of these actions if the two sex offenders (one definitely registered in Colbert County) would remove their social media pages per FB guidelines. Remember, as your mother should have told you, there are consequences to your actions.

1 comment:

  1. Vulgar sex offenders love browsing social media. Fertile ground to find, groom and sexually abuse new victims. And so-called sex offender "activists" use the Internet to create anti-registry organizations. Sexual predators should be locked up for life!
