Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hunting Polar Bears Now a Crime in Alabama

Earlier today, Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law a bill passed unanimously by the state legislature which makes hunting polar bears in the state a Class A Felony...

First, the above is satire. Second, we shamelessly stole this from a comment on a state news site. The point is that Alabama legislators are simply terrific at passing laws which affect absolutely no one, while relegating needed legislation to a dead-end committee. 

What actually happened earlier today was that the House passed a bill requiring physicians to assist a fetus born alive after an attempted abortion. Why is this not a good thing?

First, under current law, no abortions can be done after 20 weeks gestation. A fetus is unable to survive on its own before 21 weeks gestation. Ginny Shaver, a Republican legislator from Leesburg says she's done post-abortion counseling in this state and has heard of it happening, but won't give specifics since it involves confidential information. Directors of the three abortion clinics now open in this state have said it just doesn't happen. The bill will now go to the senate where it may or may not pass.

That's our wonderful Alabama Legislature - passing bills to criminalize behavior that never happens. We're sure everyone rests easier tonight knowing that any pre-20 week fetus who should miraculously survive induced abortion, not to mention plastic shopping bags, have the support of our well-paid legislators. 

Meanwhile, ALFA is continuing on its merry way screwing not just the lower species of this state, but paying customers as well, and Danny Crawford and his ilk are pulling in hundreds of thousands from this and other special interests while we actually work for a living. Sound about right to you?

Drop Your ALFA Insurance to Send a Message That You're Tired of Tyranny...and Danny Crawford

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