Thursday, May 9, 2019

An "Inspirational" Tale

From a reader:

I don’t know how familiar you are with that specific area (Inspiration Landing). Elkington says that he wants the city to improve the appearance of the surrounding space before construction begins. 

Here are some facts about West 20th and that little stretch of the river: 

1. The wastewater plant is there. Emphasis on “waste”. It isn’t going anywhere. 

2. Tennessee Valley Recycling is right there also. It’s a large scrap metal yard. I don’t foresee it going anywhere any time soon either. 

3. Marshland. The reason this particular section of the river has never been developed is because it frequently floods. 

Ian Sanford’s father bought a very large parcel of land after he returned from WWII. He developed most of it into Rivermont-beautiful tree-lined streets and nice homes. The lots that lie directly on the river-the ones that couldn’t really be used for anything-make up part of Inspiration Landing. Ian’s elderly mother still owns it, and I honestly don’t believe that the Sanford family has ever thought that anything would come of that land. It’s not exactly prime real estate. Pretty? Yes. Practical? No.

On the flip side, if Florence owns a park (McFarland) complete with breathtakingly beautiful tourism center that has a 100 year flood every 20 years, perhaps John Elkington thinks Sheffield will (and did) jump at a development where the property floods during any substantial rainfall. Or perhaps the Memphis developer simply didn't realize that was a problem until he'd already, ummm, stepped in it?

Architect's Illustration of Inspiration Landing Shopping Area

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