Saturday, May 18, 2019

News of Target for the Shoals? Yes & No...

It was not long ago that we received word of a possible Target store to be located on Wilson Dam Road in Muscle Shoals. Since that time, we've received many inquiries as to new information. Do we have any? Here's what we know:

1. If there are negotiations, they're strictly hush-hush. We'll update immediately if we learn anything definite. Even if this is totally true, don't expect any real news until 2021.

2. While it's not what the community is wanting, this may be better than nothing for Muscle Shoals. Target has been utilizing holiday pop-up stores in large to semi-large markets. We've been told that one such pop-up will be coming to Huntsville, perhaps lasting two weeks and offering fantastic merchandise not readily available at any other Alabama Target stores. Could the City of Muscle Shoals convince Target to give one a try in that town? We would consider it a long-shot, but one worth looking into. Are you listening, city officials, or are you much more interested in protecting a status quo with the board of education?

3. Here's something that's pretty definite: Drive Up is coming to Florence - we just don't know when. When it finally arrives, just use the Target app to place your order, then tap the in place icon when you arrive at the designated parking area. Target promises that your order will be delivered to your vehicle within two minutes. No tipping allowed, but thank you's appreciated. 

We've long wondered why Target didn't have a drive-thru window for its pharmacy. As we understand it, most prescription drugs can be taken to the pick up area in the same manner a loaf of bread can. This may not be as good as a new store in Muscle Shoals, but it will be a step in expediting Shoals shopping. If brick and mortar stores want to compete for our dollars, they should take note of what customers want...

One Tidbit of Gossip That We Can Confirm Is That Our Canine-American Blogger Prince Has a Crush on Bullseye, the Target Dog. Well, Who Doesn't?

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