Tuesday, May 7, 2019

All in the FaMily (or Incest is Best?)

From an astute observer:

Muscle Shoals - all in the FaMily or incest is best? That may be a better slogan for the school system that puts nepotism to a new level. Not only do we hear that Denise Woods has been changing the job description of a position to tailor it for her sister, but now we have also heard that positions are being created to open a spot for the fired Balentine’s step-son. 

Whatever happened to hiring the best person for the job? I guess for Brian Lindsey’s good-ole-boy run system that wouldn’t work. How many GOB’s does it take to RUIN a system? Well, just watch because Lindsey is going to show us all. 

How many times did he save Willingham’s job? Remember when Willingham was going to be fired from the middle school? Look how that turned out. He continued doing the same old same old. Teachers and the school counselor had to put up with Willingham sending lewd texts, being watched on the cameras, and being unfairly treated all because Lindsey wanted to keep it in the FaMily.

Maybe he should be the one to resign. They credit their school system for being the top in the state, but what the administrators don’t realize is that credit lies with the teachers, not them. These teachers could run a better school than all the administrators combined.

Positive Effects? Employees Can Complete Each Other's Sentences

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