Monday, January 28, 2019

Who Owns the Ag Center Anyway?

As stated in the July 12, 2017 Lauderdale County Commission meeting minutes: 

Commissioner Holmes moved, seconded by Commissioner Parker to approve a resolution that authorizes three appointments to the Lauderdale County Agriculture Authority. The three appointments are Roger Garner, Joe Hackworth, and Judge Edward Tease.

Commissioner Garner explained that the Agriculture Authority will be the governing board which will handle the money and hiring of a director for the new center. Commissioner Garner also stated that there will be an advisory council in addition to the Agriculture Authority Board which will be made up of people who are experts in the field who will advise the director and assist in planning events.

Commissioner Parker stated that Roger Garner and Joe Hackworth were picked for the Agriculture Authority board because they have been working on this project from the beginning and he also stated that Judge Tease would bring legal expertise to the board. Commissioner Holmes stated that the board members will be working on the loan for the building, the construction of the building and they will also hire the director who will handle the day to day operations and events.

Commissioner Holmes stated that he has confidence in the appointments that the Commission has chosen. Commissioner Hackworth stated that he is honored to be appointed to this board and that the advisory council will be the people with the expert knowledge and provide the input needed.

Commissioner Hackworth also stated that the advisory council will not be encumbered like the executive board will be. There being no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken.

 Commissioner Hackworth – abstain
 Commissioner Parker – yea
 Commissioner Holmes – yea
 Commissioner Garner – abstain

and upon vote taken, motion unanimously approved. Resolution is herein recorded and made part of these minutes. 

It is safe to assume that Rep. Greer, Rep. Pettus, and Senator Melson were bestowed board memberships prior to this meeting? It is unclear if the seventh board member (Ronnie Lane) had already been chosen, or if they were saving a seat for Humphrey Lee?

What was presented as fact in the appointments to the Lauderdale County Agriculture Board has been confirmed untrue, when at a recent Lauderdale County Commission meeting Commissioner Garner stated that an advisory board did not exist.  

We the people of Lauderdale County ask that the County Commission appoint an advisory board. If that is not feasible we ask that all appointees to the ag board be declared null & void, and for discussion from the community in seeking their replacements. The legislation behind the new state laws governing the Ag Center are a very serious matter. New state laws were passed for the Ag Center that affect every individual living in the state of Alabama. 

Thank you,

Uncle Zack

1 comment:

  1. A very informative and important blog post. Unfortunately, the "average" citizen and especially VOTER in the county have no idea what this board is about or what the ag center building they are "pushing" will mean to the county. Most people just think anything "new" is "improved" and will bring jobs to the area. They are fooled easily on a regular basis by career politicians in this area. What will get the average Joe or Jo Nelle's attention in say Waterloo, Zip City, Grassy or Anderson is NO MORE FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!! THE AG CENTER FUNDING COULD RESULT IN THE CLOSING OF SOME COUNTY SCHOOLS! It SHOULD have been the main message of every opponent to an incumbant in Lauderdale county in the last election; BUT.........we get what we elect. STAY STUPID, SHOALS!
