Sunday, January 13, 2019

Term Limits?/Sheffield Founders On

Our friend the Midnight Rider has recently written two excellent articles for us. We are going to take exception to his take on term limits. All things considered, term limits do not solve the majority of problems and create many more.

The example was used of the office of U.S. President. Our president is "on" 24/7. Local officials? Unless the Martians land on Court Street, Mayor Holt will not be called to his office at 3:00 a.m. Unless the Ruskies bomb Ivy Green, Mayor Underwood will not be required to remain in in his office three days straight without a decent meal. No, municipal, state, and even many federal offices are not a 24/7 proposition and don't take the toll of a presidency or cabinet membership.

If Sheffield ever elects any fantastic council members, let's hope they remain as long as possible. The problem seems to be that no one wants the jobs. Remember, if you don't offer your services, you can't complain about those who do.

The City of Sheffield has now begun a series of meetings on the new smoking ordinance. At least we think it has. Maybe that was just a recent cable rerun of a Mad TV episode.

Stock up on popcorn, this could go on for quite a while...

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