Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What's Happening at Park Place?

Park Place was originally designed as a retirement community. After the death of Bob Love, a new owner rented to college students, short-term business guests, etc. Many felt this was an unwise business decision, while others heralded it as a means to keep the facility afloat when rentals would have otherwise been low.

Recently there's been an exodus of sorts from Park Place. Why? There are several stories floating around, but we have not been able to independently verify them. If you have had personal experience with Park Place, send us a private message. We'll try to update this next week.



Ooops! We had an article sent to us about Humphrey Lee, mainly derogatory, about upcoming race. Apparently, the article referenced the wrong race...and we have not had any announcement sent to us by Lee. Sorry for any confusion -- our fault completely for not checking. Therefore, this deletion.


Blake Austin Hines? He's in a lot of trouble...again. Our take, and it's not going to change, is that anyone who would violently assault a unwell woman in her 80' not fit, nor will he ever be fit, to live among civilized individuals. He's again been arrested, but we have no hopes of anything more than another short incarceration. This will be his third, if you count his time in juvie. 

No answers and no hope. Yet how many in the Shoals are just like him?

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