Friday, January 2, 2009

Dr. Max Carrington

Each year we unfortunately lose those who have influenced our lives and community for the better. Dr. Max Carrington, a retired UNA business professor was such a man.

I'm sure his passing late last year brought back many memories for those of us who attended the University of North Alabama. I will share two stories told to me over the years.

Dr. Carrington often proctored examinations for professional certifications. Late one spring, in the middle of a heat wave, one of his former students was taking such an exam in Bibb Graves Hall. At this point, the woman was in her mid-thirties and had not seen Dr. Carrington in years. When she attempted to bring a canned Coke into the testing room, first Dr. Carrington frowned, then he admonished her, remembering her name after all that time. She took the offending soft drink to the trash basket immediately.

Dr. Carrington was also given to wearing a certain sweatshirt with scribbles on it. At just a casual glance, the figures appeared to be Arabic, but upon closer inspection proved to be shorthand. The front of the shirt read, "Max is the Boss." The back read, "I'm Max!"

The Shoals community has lost a dear friend. I hope that he knew what he meant to the university and the entire area.

What's up with this: It seems the TimesDaily editor, T. Wayne Mitchell, recently asked, "What's the ShoalsInsider?" Perhaps this is why the newspaper's circulation is plummeting.

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