Thursday, January 22, 2009
When we began this blog, we had no qualms about allowing comments. We have been happy to print any opposing views in the past; however, this feature has recently been used to threaten members of this blog team, as well as to imply the name of a rape victim will be made public.
If you have any comments, pro or con, or suggestions for future stories, please continue to contact us at
As for the case in question, Troy King's office has been notified of these threats as well as previous ones related to this case. Rest assured when the case is brought to trial next month, there will be several members of rape response present. If the accused is found not guilty, we will report on it. If he is found guilty, we will report on it.
There is no excuse for any man (or woman) beating, raping, fondling, or otherwise abusing anyone else, especially a child or other person placed in his care. It is sad that we live in a world in which it is necessary to state that, but that is apparently the case.
On a more personal note, please pray for the victim in this case. It has been extremely hard for her and her family the past few months.