Today is the first in our ongoing local author book reviews. We are proud to introduce our new Shoalanda member, Amaryllis Caskie, who will be doing reviews as well as other reporting.
Title: Led by the Spirit
Author: Phyllis White
Publisher: Self
Genre: Paranormal/Contemporary
ISBN: Unspecified
Pages: Unspecified
Series: N/A
Reviewer: Amaryllis Caskie
Rating: *
Rating: *
Rating System:
* Severely Flawed (Pass on this one)
** Problematic (A struggle to finish)
*** Enjoyable (Pleasant read)
**** Compelling (Page turner)
***** Fantastic (Keeper)
White's first book, Led By The Spirit, reads like a first draft, replete with spelling and grammar errors, and has a predictable plot with more than a few standard epic horror cliches: a middle aged hero with his destiny thrust upon him, meddlesome supernatural beings, and a two dimensional cast of thousands. How the characters get from one scene to the next is unclear, and the ending is quite abrupt and unbelievable. The conflict in this book is flimsy, at times ludicrous, and perceptive readers will likely see right through to White's battle with her own demons. Readers may well be put off by detailed sex scenes involving pedophilia.
Summary: Brian Peterson thought he had met the perfect woman; young, beautiful, passionate, his trophy wife...but when they bought the old store things changed drastically. Her obsession and love affair with the long deceased previous owner, led them both down a long road toward destruction. A spine tingling story revealing how innocent people can be influenced and led astray from the Truth into a realm of darkness when they allow themselves to be....led by the spirit.
(This book is not available in local bookstores, but may be ordered from the authoress.)
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