Tuesday, June 11, 2019

FFRF Requests Florence Rescind Grant to Salvationist Church

In February, the Florence City Council approved a grant for $38,500.00 to the Salvation Army Church (Salvationists) to upgrade its homeless facilities/programs. While it's good that the city wants to help with the problem, many who contacted us were upset that the city was choosing to do so by uniting with a local church/cult in order to accomplish the task.

This is not the first time the city has given the SA funds; however, this may be the largest donation on record. We've learned that the Freedom from Religion Foundation has contacted the city to inform officials that sponsoring this project is in direct opposition to the Constitution and has already been declared illegal by the Supreme Court.

It's unknown how the city will respond to the demands of the FFRF. We continue to receive complaints about the local church sending donations outside the U.S.; however, we have not as yet received any documentation of those payments. Feel free to send us your comments and/or proofs of any such donations to south of the border.


  1. I would recommending adding what the FFRF is. I had to Google to find out what it stood for. The article is very interesting. The city donating to a religious organization is somewhat controversial. Question: Why does the city not have their own homeless shelter in one of the building they own?

    1. Apologies if that wasn't clear from the beginning. The organization's name is mentioned in full in the second paragraph. The FFRF has been active in the Shoals before, challenging two local high schools concerning religious activities, as well as questioning activities of other entities.
