Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rapist Gets Visitation Rights in DeKalb County

Yes, rapists who father a child in Alabama have legal visitation rights to that child. Alabama is one of only two states which allow this. Let's see...the state with the harshest anti-abortion law also favors allowing a rapist rights to see children produced from that crime. Nice, huh?

Consider Lenion Richard Barnett Jr. The Sylvania resident fathered four children (two of which died) by his step-niece while his victim was a young teenager (the first rape occurred when she was 12). After he left prison, he returned to DeKalb County and was granted visitation rights by a family court judge. In May, Barnett was arrested on drug charges and may be out of the picture at this thanks to an imbecilic jurist.

Here's another total idiot: Ned Holstein of the National Parenting Organization. He says there is good on both sides of the issue. Really? Holstein makes our legislators look intelligent.

A law to strip rapists of their parental rights to products of their crimes didn't make it out of committee this past session. It will be introduced again during the next regular session. We personally feel that any man who rapes his young teenage niece should be drawn and quartered...and that's just for starters; however, at least the proposed law is a step in the right direction.

I'm Ned Holstein and I Think Rapists Have Rational Rights to the Products of Their Crimes. Will Someone Please Just Shoot Me Now?

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