Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Prince Threatens to Bite Mayor Underwood

Hi, guys. Shoalanda asked me a few questions about the dog situation in Sheffield and I was only too glad to fill her in. In fact, I volunteered to do a blog and to bite whoever needed it starting with Tuscumbia mayor Kerry Underwood.

Yes, the shelter is full. Just because not all the animals who have to camp out there are listed on the website, it doesn't mean they aren't actually there taking up those luxurious suites and dining high on the Purina pig. A lot of them are strays that the shelter has to hold or are undergoing medical treatment that prevents them from being on the active adoption list. Also, there aren't enough employees to keep the list up to date. 

In fact, the shelter may have to reduce the number of employees even if it's currently understaffed. The budget hasn't been redone since 2000. Yeppers, 19 years since anyone has had a raise or increased funding.

Funding? Tuscumbia has consistently failed to come across with its share of doggo dough. So I'm here today to offer a grrrrreat solution. I'll bite anyone free of charge in order to help the shelter out. I'll start with Mayor Kerry Underwood and then work my way up to the Colbert County Commission (otherwise known as that pointless pile of do-nothing puppy poop).

So let's get together and demand that Tuscumbia pays its fair share. Then let's elect a new commission that will act alive enough to keep the fleas off them. How about it?

Biting for Justice Since 2015