Saturday, June 29, 2019

Unfair Criticism of Florence Independence Day Celebration?

For several years, the Independence Day celebration in Florence has been sketchy, as in sponsorship and level of professionalism. This year the annual July 4th event has come under severe criticism for its sparse program. Let's look at two problems...

1. This year the event has no sponsor; only the city itself is funding the to do. First, thanks to the city for maintaining this tradition. Second, to those who wanted more, we say: Do you want your tax dollars spent on brief entertainment for the masses or for actual needs of the city? Does that bring it into perspective? City officials have stated that a new sponsor is being recruited for next year. Any businesses out there which want to step up? When you buy your fireworks from TNT, remember that it has abandoned the annual show after Florence gave the company almost exclusive rights to sell in the city. How's that for gratitude?

2. Now, here's a great question: Just who brought (or threatened to bring) legal action against the City of Florence for copyright infringement of the name "Spirit of Freedom?" The name had been used for years, but can no longer be incorporated into the celebration according to officials. Since the local celebration is just seems petty that anyone would object, especially after all these years.

For those who want more than Florence has to offer, the Jam at Sloss Lake in Russellville is again a winner, showcasing Shenandoah this year.  Go for it!

Who Names These Things?

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