Friday, January 3, 2025

Does Tommy Make Kent Davis Look Good or Vice Versa?


Pictured above is a TimesDaily poll on the governor's race. There were six choices, but neither Kent Davis nor Rick Pate garnered any votes. 

Are you surprised that Sen. Tommy Tuberville scored so highly? We certainly were (we voted for "other"). 

Would Tommy actually run? He recently said he was tired of being "sat" in the back of the senate. The word he was looking for was "seated," but grammar and vocabulary aren't the coach's strong points. 

It seems the public is on to Kent Davis. Only 1819 News regularly flogs his name. No one else is buying since the Alabama Veterans Commission members accused him of blackmailing them into backing him against Kay Ivey.

Even admitted philanderer John Merrill received votes. We're surprised he has the nerve to think about running.

It's a sad day in this state when Will Ainsworth is the best qualified current candidate. Let's hope the woodwork soon produces some better choices.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A High School Rampage


It was supposed to be a banquet for high school jocks. It turned into a demolition exercise. Now someone has to pay...literally as in money to make things right.

They were all male.

They were all seniors.

They were all on school ball teams (allegedly hot stuff).

They were all out of control.

They are all sorry now as long as the school pays for the damage.

What's wrong with this picture? If you think it can't get worse, it does. Students say the entire class is being made to pay for the sins of a few. Class funds designated for other events are now being used to pay for the torn wallpaper, broken fixtures, and stolen items. 

The students are all enrolled in a public Shoals school. At least some of the boys' parents and teachers are reading this. We would love to hear your side of this debacle...

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025


Every year is important, but 2025 has a special significance. Due to changes in the municipal election cycle, it is now five years since we in the Shoals had the chance to bring about change in our city governments.

We know that some simply don't care, but for those of you who do want better governance for your hometowns, you need to begin to put in an effort now to bring that about. At least three of the Quad-Cities desperately need new leadership, but let's make it the right leadership.

Whether it's a yard sign or a letter to the editor of the TimesDaily, you can contribute. We at Shoalanda will be making recommendations, but we are happy to publish any campaign material or endorsements that readers wish to send.

In the meantime, enjoy your ball games; you deserve some quiet time for yourself before the inauguration.

The Staff at Shoalanda Speaks