Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sheffield Prepares for Inspiration Landing Rush; Say What?


The City of Sheffield is worried about the coming influx of food trucks to special events at Inspiration Landing. Special events? Would that be some actual work at the site?

In case you were also worried, Mayor Stanley says he wants to get on top of it. There is a proposed new ordinance to regulate this huge influx. If you would like to have input, you're invited to a public meeting on April 18th.

One concern is food truck competition to all those ritzy restaurants that will also be coming to IL. Anyone see any work on those? 

In fact, we have to ask just how long has it been since any work was done in connection with IL? If Sheffield isn't careful, the Lauderdale Ag Center will open first and steal all the headlines.

Hmmm, didn't 2021 deserve a progress report?


  1. It's getting to be a tight race between Dandy Andy and Ban the Stan on who's the biggest dunce of all. Someone please send then to a corner and forget about them!

  2. Inspiration Landing is apparently competing with unicorns with regards to which is found first. I'm betting on unicorns.

  3. Not to press too far on the subject, but John Elkington proudly proclaimed in a TimesDaily article on January 2, 2022 that 91,000 of the 100,000 square foot town center had been leased. One would think there would be a construction frenzy overcoming the sounds of the night critters roaming the freshly paved streets. He said we would hear an announcement of tenants in February, but I must point out that no year is named with that month.

    Having returned to the home where I was raised I became an immediate enthusiastic supporter of Inspiration Landing. I still have great interest in seeing the development blossom. The silence only dampens the spirit, especially as the world enthusiastically awakens from a pandemic slumber.

    After getting conned by a Canadian carpetbagger into building a railroad factory and then jilted by a Chicago company fleeing to Mexico with their payroll protection gift, one would think we would demand substance. Instead we lay out a red carpet of food truck laws to pretend we are getting ahead of an onslaught. I’m sorry, but I haven't heard a stampede coming yet.

    We really need to see some action before committing more cash….

  4. Any bets on when charges of 'fraud' begin to be filed?
